Education Directory (Rajkot)
The first book published under the Pyramid Publication banner. Being time is passing, now Rajkot is emerged as The Education Hub of Saurashtra region.The Education directory contains usefull information about various educational institutions. The response of the book inspired us to publish more books including education, health, lifestyle and more subjects.
Health Care
Our health is in our hands. It is more important to be vigilant than to have the disease and to treat it. Despite knowing all this, sometimes the disease starts coming and from the stage when the disease starts, if we consult our family doctors, we can probably stop the disease or defect from spreading in the body. The book will be very useful for the individual, family and society.
Vivah Sanskar
Marital life begins with marriage. The two characters of worldly life are brought up in different ways. His own marital life may be sweet and joyful, but in such a present situation the base is gone in the infancy for whatever reason in childhood. Such feelings are found in parents and society. There is so much joy in reaching adulthood that this feeling is not even contained in the mind. Good feelings make life beautiful and good but bitter feelings make it difficult to live a good life.
Shikshan Sarthi
Shikshan Sarathi indicates the best title regarding the “Excellent Direction for the Best Career”. There are many topics and subjects covered in the book, helpful for students to develop their future career. The opinions and expert views from leading academies and skill & personality development institutions. The knowledge and information about competitive exams, skill development, jobs and careers, scholarship schemes of govt., education loans etc. are very helpful for parents as well as students to plan and decide various arrangements regarding career.
Health Power
(Health care part-2)
As we can see, human beings in today's age know about health care but cannot implement it. This is because human beings are having difficulty in getting the basic necessities of clean air, water and food etc. so that human health is endangered. And then human beings fall prey to many diseases. Wealth lost can be earned by human beings but regaining lost health is very difficult in today's age. That is why this book called "Health Power" has tried to provide information about common diseases as well as incurable diseases, its treatment and what to take care of to prevent such diseases.
Technology Ne Suswagatam
Technology Ne Susvagatam indicates “A guide to create growth opportunities through the use of technology in the business world”. The 21th century is the Technology Era and it would be necessary for everyone to use available tools to achieve success in life. The future of the world is more competitive in the context of business. To overcome the problems of the production and marketing, maximum use of technology is in favour of the enterprise. Here the articles are covered as per the need of present time and reader’s opinions.
Uttar Na Ajwala
Where There is a Will There's a Way.. And “Uttar Na Ajwala” indicates the true spirit of success from the hurdles of life. We know many people are struggling for their achievements and we have to learn a lot from their experiences. After being inspired from someone, The effort of Pyramid Publication is strong enough to cover the biographies and interviews of successful persons through book publication and video documentary in association with Arthfull Movies.
Pagli nu Panetar
(Vivah sanskar part-2)
Inspired by Indian culture, Indian social system, people from western countries have also turned to India. In this book our intention is to create awareness about our tradition and culture among various communities. The marriage ceremony and its importance, post & pre-wedding responsibilities of a girl, a boy and the parents, embarrassing situations and etc. articles of known people and writers are covered.
Ghar nu Ghar, Sapna nu Vavetar
In this book, the most touching aspects and various questions are covered for accurate resolution of various confusions related to building a "A Dream Home". Land Worship, Advance Booking, Real Estate Benefits To Women, Loan Management, Documentation, Amenity Including Parking, Fire Safety, Insurance Cover Requirement, Home Automation etc. valuable and interesting information is presented in simple language.
Purusharth na Praneta
A book on a family-oriented and heartfelt subject. No one exists in the world without a father; the father can cultivate any person's personality by becoming the pioneer of masculinity. This book is written in response to a reality of our world, covering various topics and events that affect each individual described in a gentle manner with some of examples.